Prince Who Didn’t Know He Was a Prince – Week 7

One morning Andrew woke up with a “fire” in his belly. His dreams over the last week had become more and more vivid and intense. The imaginings of what could be consumed him. Although contentment was taught as the highest ideal, he knew deep inside his soul that he HAD to venture out. He had to know if there was something more. For all Andrew knew, he was simply one young boy living all on his own. He imagined if there were others his age, they all had someone to belong to; not that he knew anything about that, but he knew being all alone wasn’t what he was made for.

Andrew made one quick glance at his timepiece. Today was third day, and on third days food and other provisions were delivered promptly at 5:00. It was 3:00 and he was certain he could leave and return unnoticed. He mounted the wall and grabbed hold of the vines to boost himself over. Andrew was twelve times around the sun and had never once thought to venture past the safety of his walls. Today was different though, he had unbridled boldness to determine if there was any truth to his imaginings and dreams.

As Andrew’s feet hit the dirt on the other side of the wall, he quickly glanced back at his timepiece, 3:10. He couldn’t waste time. He saw a dark, tangled forest straight ahead of him. He stopped to take stock of his surroundings, putting into his mind small details to help him remember his starting point. Then he plowed straight ahead, with determination to find some kind of clue to his many questions. The forest ahead was unrestrained and a tangled mess. Andrew’s determination soon faltered after many attempts to make any movement forward. He looked back at his timepiece, 3:30. Discouraged, but not hindered, he looked around for any possible path. Andrew realized there was a narrow path next to his wall, so he squeezed through the tight space, hoping it would lead to some answers. After twenty minutes of painstakingly squeezing through, he found a small opening and then another wall. He quietly continued until he found some way to climb up and peer over the new wall.

With small, careful movements, Andrew was able to lift his eyes enough to gaze over the boundary. What he saw surprised him; it was a small cottage surrounded by a garden and walls, almost identical to his own.


Family Connection:

What do you think Andrew will discover beyond the new wall?

A triangle with text in center Description automatically generated with medium confidenceRead Philippians 4:11-13. What do you think this passage means? How do you think this is similar or different to the “highest ideal” Andrew grew up holding fast to? Talk as a family about godly contentment vs. settling or being content with a poverty mindset. Read John 10:10. What did Jesus come for? Again, discuss godly contentment along with the reality that Jesus came for an abundant, full life. The Word does not contradict itself, so how do you reconcile what could feel like opposites? Even if you don’t understand, engage in the wrestle (discussion)with your kids. They need to know it’s ok to not always understand everything. It doesn’t change God’s faithfulness and goodness.

Talk about the trinity. In class we have used an apple (peel, flesh and core are all part of an apple, but still only make ONE apple; same as water – water, ice and steam are all water). hard boil an egg at home and do the same explanation. Shell, white and yolk are all part of an egg, distinct but all still make ONE egg.

Have kids share the 3 circle Gospel illustration with you. If this feels too hard, they can try the bridge illustration again. The hope is that each kid can learn to share the Gospel, even our youngest ones are able to share simply. 

Suggested verses to memorize: John 1:1, Matthew 28:19

Journaling ideas:

Have kids draw the 3 circles gospel illustration in their journal. Ideally, they would practice (or actually) sharing it with someone while drawing it, or even after.

Put on some quiet worship music (you could search for soaking music). Ask God what it would look like for you to become fully ALIVE in Him. Draw or write about it. Meditate on John 10:10.

Pick a story about Jesus that helps you understand the character of God. Illustrate or write about it. Write the Bible reference for your story and write (or have a parent write) what the story tells you about God/Jesus. (Ideas: Jesus raised Lazarus from the grave, Jesus called Zacheus down from the tree, Jesus healed the man who was paralyzed, Jesus calmed the stormy sea, Jesus multiplied the food…)

Additional resources: (video about the Trinity) (another video about the Trinity)

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