Prince Who Didn’t Know He Was a Prince – Week 10

“We are running out of time Eleanor. I am afraid if I don’t tell you everything I know, that hope will be lost forever. I waited until you were old enough, until you were old enough to do something with all I am going to tell you. I have prayed about this day since you were first born. I knew if I spoke too early, I too would be sent away. Your parents don’t know any of this. They were trained from an early age to disbelieve everything their parents told them. The only reason I am still here and not in the far off city, is because your grandfather made
an agreement, that offered me this unique freedom.”

“I thought Grandpa was dead.”

“I assume he is, although I am not altogether certain. Years ago, before you were born, your grandpa and I saw what was happening in our world. We knew we had to make a sacrifice in order to save our family, in order to save this kingdom, in order
to ensure that Yahweh’s name wouldn’t be lost forever.

“When Azrael locked up all knowledge and truth, he had three keys made; one for himself, and one each for two caretakers of the land. As he began his pursuit to eliminate all that was, he crossed the land to and fro, looking for teachers to propagate his teachings. At each of these town hall meetings, he also spoke about how one day, two of those teachers would rise up to be caretakers for this land and protectors of all. He carried on with the angry lies about what once was and should never be spoken of again. He said he loved us, wanted the best for us and wanted to protect us. He lavished us with words of his deep affection and pride for us. He told us how brave we were to lock away all the dangerous stories and religious lies. He said Yahweh was a crutch, a story made up for weak people; but that we were anything but weak! We were strong and courageous; we would overcome the things that were meant to keep us in bondage. We were FREE and now that would become our battle cry. Free to be content, free to have enough, free to have a noble “king” to help manage and direct our lives.

“Grandpa and I felt the darkness simply in Azrael’s presence. When he spoke, it was as if evil itself were pouring out of his mouth. Eleanor, it even stank when were near him, but everyone around us spoke of how beautiful he smelled, how smart and wise he was and how safe they would forever be.

“But Eleanor, life became meaningless. We once lived for something, but no longer.

“Grandpa and I made a covenant with God and one another, to do whatever needed to protect our family and this kingdom. In the end, we decided Grandpa would become one of Azrael’s teachers and do whatever possible, to get close to him. He had to become a caretaker. That was our only hope. I, on the other hand, became a house mom. The babies born into this kingdom were sent to a home to be named and raised until they could live on their own.”


Family Connection

Discuss the story as a family. Do you see how Azrael took “truth” and ever so slightly twisted it? Think back to the Garden – in the Garden, the serpent took God’s word and reworked it so his claim and question seemed truthful and valid. What do you think Grandma meant when she said they used to live for something? What do you think about the darkness/stench of Azriel’s presence? Why did others think it was a beautiful smell (2 Corinthians 2:16)? What do you think about the grandparents’ covenant, their determination to protect the kingdom and their family.

Pray Ephesians 3:14-19 over your family. Personalize it and put each person’s name in it. Talk about what it means. Talk about WHY the Bible is the most powerful way we can pray. It is the Word of God, it is unchanging, it is alive, it has power! When God created the world, He SPOKE it into being. There is power in rehearsing, praying…the Word of God aloud! (Hebrews 4:12, 2 Corinthians 10:4-5, 2 Timothy 3:16)

Practice praying the Word of God aloud the next two weeks. You can pray the previous Ephesians passage every day. You can pick something that is meaningful for your family and pray that. Pray that you and your family would live out the great commission and then speak it aloud over you and your kids. If lying is a struggle, look up verses about truth and declare them as truth over you and your family. If you want to grow in love, look up the greatest commandment and pray that over your family. We grow in consistency. When we show our kids that the Word is our plumbline, the place we go for all truth, they will come to trust it as well.


Verses to memorize: 2 Corinthians 10:4-5


Journal ideas:

What do you think 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 means? Ask the Lord and then write or journal or draw what you feel He’s telling you.

What is truth? Look up Hebrews 4:12 and 2 Timothy 3:16 as your starting point. Ask the Lord what He wants you to know about truth. Journal or draw about it.

Listen (and soak) to the song we listened to at the end of FBA this week. Ask the Lord is He wants to show you anything more to the picture you started or if there is anything more He wants to show you. (I will post this in FB group.) (Julie Meyer “Paint Your Picture”)

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