A Christmas Message for the Weary National Intercessor

A Christmas Message for the Weary National Intercessor

Father God, we lift our eyes to You, the One who does more than we ask or imagine according to Your power at work in us.

In the midst of this political season and climate, in the midst of waiting breathlessly for the truth of this election and all its gory details to be brought into the light, in the midst of waiting for the next COVID-19 announcement—we must cling to our anchor in the storm.  Instead of allowing fear to overtake us, let us hold fast to the One who is sure, to the one who has created allowance for our uncertainties to mount…  Then, as we catch our breath, and pivot towards Him, we are reminded that our foundation is on the Rock!  HE is the One who spoke the world into being…and can certainly turn each of these situations into ones where His fingerprints touch every surface and truth and justice reign!

Have you lost your HOPE? When we are wavering in our emotions, let us turn to the One whose name is above all other names…  In the midst of our anxious thoughts threatening to overtake us in the dark of the night, press into the One who spoke to the storm.   He spoke “Peace, be still” to the storm and He speaks peace to your quavering hearts.  The Lord Almighty will be triumphant!  We must await the One who placed each star so specifically in the sky.  His purposes and plans WILL prevail.  “Impossible” is NOT in His vocabulary!

There is a purpose and a plan in the wait. We must be steadfast, unwavering, and fully confident in the One.  The God who is not slow in answering as we perceive slowness, but right on time (think of Lazarus).

Prayer points:

  • As we pray for the truth of these elections to be unveiled, let us pray for Him to do immeasurably more than all we could ask for or imagine.
  • Pray for His glory to overtake the Church in this outcome. Pray for the Church to rise up in a unified fashion, a unity that cannot be explained in human terms.
  • Pray for those who are still blind in the church, who believe “we” are the ones who are fanatical, blind, or ignorant. Pray for the veil to be peeled back so that as ONE we might remember where our true citizenship lies and therefore how our lives need to align.

Lord, we pray that as the truth comes tumbling out piece by piece, that the mainstream media will no longer stay silent about the corruption being uncovered. We pray that those in the church who have been blind would pause, step back, and listen to YOU, Lord, in the midst of this political mayhem…  Let us each hear what YOU have to say.

THIS is not our home.  We are but sojourners on our way to the promised land.  In the interim, our job is to infiltrate, infect, and intoxicate all those who come near – with His presence.  Where we might not always have room to speak to the reason for the hope that we have, may our actions and words constantly point to the reality that we are SET APART and different from those around us.  May we be people who are filled with peace, joy, and assurance in this time and season.

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Now may God, the inspiration and fountain of hope, fill you to overflowing with uncontainable joy and perfect peace as you trust in him. And may the power of the Holy Spirit continually surround your life with his super-abundance until you radiate with hope!  (Rom 15:13 TPT)

As we prepare for this Christmas season, let us be reminded that our “impossible” God already knew THE WAY when sin first entered the world.

  • He convinced a man to build an ark (picture that – a vessel that was the length of 1 ½ football fields and 7 stories high) with no rain nor water for miles.
  • He parted the Red Sea to make a way for the entire Israelite population to escape their oppressors (imagine 2-3 million people crossing a stretch of DRY LAND possibly 8 miles in width).
  • He had a man swallowed in the belly of fish for three days – to make a point.
  • He caused a virgin to conceive a son and allowed the Son of God to enter this world as a baby.
  • This same God allowed His Son to be ridiculed, spat upon, and crucified, in order to carry the full weight of our SIN. Then God did the ultimate—when His Son emerged from His earthly tomb fully ALIVE three days later! The Resurrection points to the mighty God we serve!

When fear or anxiety threaten your peace, step back to the simplicity of who our God is. Turn off the media, listen to worship, read the Word, and get in His presence. That will do more for you and your ability to stand than seeking more knowledge or understanding of the present situation.  Settle in for the peace and the assurance of knowing the One who is all-knowing and calls you by name.

He is in the wait.  No matter how this all goes, He is still on the throne and working things for His Glory and renown!

Our confidence, our hope, our assurance… lies in ONE NAME.  JESUS!  HE is the reason for the season!  Lift high His name today!

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9 NIV)

Article originally published at IFApray.org 12/24/20 as “A Christmas Message for the Weary National Intercessor”

Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®.
Copyright © 2017, 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. ThePassionTranslation.com.

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