Refocus in the New Year

  • Post category:Bible

Refocus in the New Year Lord, I surrender my life to YOU, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Would you help me to reset and reorient in the many facets of my life, so that the YOU are the center of it all? What you did for me draws me to give my best…

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Stay in the Race

Stay in the Race Lord, help us to finish this year strong and enter into the new year with a renewed confidence to STAND on the dreams and truths you have planted in our hearts. We believe that You are the God who is more than able. Amen.As we finish out 2021 and prepare our…

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Created for His Glory

Created for His Glory Father God, thank You that Your answer for this fallen world was sent in a baby who changes everything! Thank You for the greatest gift to mankind, the gift of Your one and only Son. Thank You that He laid down His life for me. May I remember the significance of…

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Are You Desperate?

Are You Desperate? Lord God, give us courage to be fearless and bold ambassadors for You. We know your plans are for our good and not for our harm. Thoreau accused men of “living lives of quiet desperation”. I think the hole in our hearts is desperate for God, and yet have we as a people…

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21 Days of Gratitude

21 Days of Gratitude Lord, thank you for who You are. We pray that You would be in the center of it all during this holiday season. What would our lives look like if we were mindful that our actions, our thoughts, our time, our investments…were a direct reflection of what HE has done for us?…

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A 24-7 Prayer Movement in Texas: a Testimony

A 24-7 Prayer Movement in Texas: a Testimony A prayer movement with 24-7 prayer coverage in your county can be more than a dream!Inspired by the Whatcom Story (a prayer canopy “strategy” birthed in Whatcom County, WA), Susan Moore embarked on a mission to bring 24-7 prayer coverage to Brazoria County in Texas – a vision birthed…

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Ask God for the Impossible

Ask God for the Impossible Impossible is NOT a part of God’s vocabulary. He moves beyond time and space. He sees the beginning from the end. He knows what is for your good or for your harm. HE is God. And yet – daily WE are confronted with impossible! The mountains seem immovable; the chains seem…

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Books on Dementia, Memory Loss and Alzheimer’s for Kids

Books On Dementia, Memory Loss & Alzheimer's for Kids As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. For more information, read our Terms & Conditions. My husband and I were caregivers to elderly parents for over three years, one with dementia and Parkinson’s.  It was a time of…

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Geography Study – INDIA

India Geography Study  As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. For more information, read our Terms & Conditions.India was the first geography study we did, starting with "On Mission" magazine as our spine. This post, "Geography Study Around the World" goes into some detail about how I…

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