April Fool’s Day – April 1, 2020 – but this is no joke. This world will never be the same. September 11, 2001 created “new normals” in so many areas of life. Covid-19 will do the same.
But, here’s the thing. I could lament (and believe me, I have) OR I could enter into a season of creating new definitions. Think back – to 3 weeks ago – that’s it. What were your hopes and dreams for your family? What were you hopes and prayers for the Church? What would you fix in your home, in your life, in your relationships? What were your own personal hopes and dreams? What was that “impossible” prayer?
We will never return to normal. But, stay with me for a minute, what if “normal” wasn’t even that good? What if normal was simply “predictable”, safe, status-quo, not rocking the boat? What if normal was “good” because it didn’t require any stretching or stepping outside of your comfort zone? Where have you been shackled because of fear or indifference or the high need to stay in control?
There are a few different ways we can look at this season… We can be filled with fear and hopelessness, anxiety and trepidation, trembling with thoughts of the future and all the unknowns. OR we could look at it as a season of opportunity – an opportunity to get things right with God, with a friend, with a parent… An opportunity to redefine our family and how we spend our time. An opportunity to redefine “me” – whether in regards to a job/career, time spent with the Lord, how I “operate” as a mom/dad, daughter/son, wife/husband, friend, neighbor, employee/employer… An opportunity to no longer be bound to the “obligations” of saying yes to every “ask” and filling our calendars with tasks and activity.
The “no” has been issued for us. “Stay” is the mandate. But then how??? Let’s ask the Lord!
My head has been full of “re-” words lately.
- Redefine
- Re-calibrate
- Realign
- Reorient
- Rework
- Refocus
I challenge you to take some time in this next week and ask the Lord what He wants to do in you, in this season.
Unfortunately/fortunately, we are not heading back to life as it was – next week, next month and maybe even longer than that. The “when” is uncertain. But I do believe there is a gift in this. For the first time in a very long time, many of us are having to pause and look in. Granted, my own home is not a place of quiet and rest – and many of you with kids at home are experiencing the same – noise, chaos, unrest, tight quarters, “too much togetherness”, discord, non-compliance… But YOU, you are a piece to that! What are you bringing to the table?
I know I am being asked to take every thought captive. I am being asked to realign and reorient ALL parts of my life to HIM! I am being asked to redefine what “good” is.
Now I plead with you that when I come, don’t force me to take a hard line with you (which I’m willing to do) by daring to confront those who mistakenly believe that we are living by the standards of the world, not by the Spirit’s wisdom and power. 3–4 For although we live in the natural realm, we don’t wage a military campaign employing human weapons, using manipulation to achieve our aims. Instead, our spiritual weapons are energized with divine power to effectively dismantle the defenses behind which people hide. 5 We can demolish every deceptive fantasy that opposes God and break through every arrogant attitude that is raised up in defiance of the true knowledge of God. We capture, like prisoners of war, every thought and insist that it bow in obedience to the Anointed One. 6 Since we are armed with such dynamic weaponry, we stand ready to punish any trace of rebellion, as soon as you choose complete obedience. 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 TPT™
…casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ… 2 Corinthians 3:5 NKJV
Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. James 1:17 NIV
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above; it comes down from the Father of lights [the Creator and Sustainer of the heavens], in whom there is no variation [no rising or setting] or shadow cast by His turning [for He is perfect and never changes]. 18 It was of His own will that He gave us birth [as His children] by the word of truth, so that we would be a kind of first fruits of His creatures [a prime example of what He created to be set apart to Himself—sanctified, made holy for His divine purposes]. James 1:17-18 AMP

Friends, the Lord has not for one second stepped off His throne. He is not an inferior God nor a God who does not hear and answer prayers. He is not indifferent to our situation. He mourns with us. He hears our every utterance, our every prayer. He has not lost control. But I do believe He is asking each one of us:
What are you doing with my Son (in the midst of this)?
Are we shining? Are we pressing in and clinging? Do we believe He is truly enough? Do we believe He is good?
Just as the Lord wastes nothing, I challenge you to press in and find out all He has for you in the now. For the now is all we have…
Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes. Matthew 6:34 MSG
PRAYER: Ask the Lord for discernment and wisdom in this season. Ask Him for the knowledge to walk in and do His will today. Ask Him to reveal to you what He is asking of you specifically in the now. (Create space to do this – even if it’s waking up super early, putting kids in front of a TV and locking yourself in a room…whatever it takes, PLEASE don’t miss what God wants to teach YOU!) Ask the Lord to help you redefine those areas of your life that need redefining. Ask Him to truly take over as Lord of your life!
Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®.
Copyright © 2017, 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved. ThePassionTranslation.com.