Reorienting with HIM in Our Sight

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Reorienting with Our Eyes on Him

A few days ago I was a bit of a fumbling mess. Hard conversations to have – things where I have taken offense or fear that offense will be taken. And then another one that triggered so many old wounds – things that are part of what makes my story beautiful – beauty from ashes – but the same parts that make my story so painful. Parts that scarred me.
And yet…
HE is more than able! I am more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus! And the more I sit in my misery, despair, offense, fear…the more I allow the enemy access to my heart and my mind. I am in the MOMENT where I need to CHOOSE to take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5)!
I am fighting it. In many ways, it would be far easier to sit in this pit and lament. But I am no longer that woman! I have been made new In Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17)! The old ways of thinking are not mine; I have been transformed by the renewing of my mind (Romans 12:2).
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
“As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts. Isaiah 55:8-9
So, where am I going to choose to sit today? I am going to choose to sit with the Lord and let HIM tell me who I am. I will silence the voice of the accuser by filling my heart and mind with the Word of God!

How about you? What do you do when you find your mind spiraling?  Comment below…

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Scripture quotations marked TPT are from The Passion Translation®.
Copyright © 2017, 2018 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc.
Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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4 years ago

Hi Suni, Much like you i as well have found myself warring mentally. I had stopped writing for a bit, as I felt I was beginning to lose focus. I almost decided to step down from many responsibilities I have,because I was feeling so unworthy. The battle for my attention has been really difficult on top of many other things. A wise person once told me, when you feel like you are at the verge of laying down is when you need to press in the most. I take that advice with me. When I feel the darkness trying to… Read more »