About Me
A place to simply be...
My own story is beautiful and yet complicated. There was a season in my life where things went so awry and were so painful, that I was certain I would never “be thankful” that God allowed such a thing. Fast forward years later… I don’t think my story would be anywhere as beautiful and rich as it is, without THAT part of the story, without THAT pain, and without THAT journey – and without those MANY broken pieces that over time created a very fragile shell of self. I don’t fault myself for that mindset at the time. It was honest. The season was brutal and the emotional pain was beyond something I’d ever experienced for. I was undone.
Honesty is the greatest gift! We don’t ever have to pretend to be something we are not. We don’t ever have to pretend that we have it all together. We don’t ever have to play “Christian” and be happy all the time. The crux of that dark season? That was when I truly became me, unveiled and all. That’s the place where I learned it’s ok to simply be. And that my friends, is a gift I am most thankful for!
One day I will be brave enough to share publicly here, but for now…
God has this way of answering prayers, that is beyond… Truly, other worldly. I prayed for “impossible things” for many years. And yet when the answer came, it was NOT in the package I would have chosen. But God! He did “immeasurably more than all I could have asked for or imagined”. He gave me the greatest gift in an awkward, messy, and disfigured package. He gave me beauty for ashes! That is MY story and that is MY God! The evidence of a story only God could write, comes in our bookend sets of children – the bigs and the littles. And one day, I will share that with you.
I serve a good, good Father. His love for me continues to overwhelm me; it is steadfast and sure. I am so undeserving of this beautiful life I live, and yet God in His mercy chose to make a way to reconcile me to the Father. He gave me Jesus! And to Him and Him alone, I desire to live my life and give Him all the glory, honor and praise that I can muster out of this earthen vessel!
I am grateful you are here! Join me as He writes His story on our hearts!